

It was a small thing, really, to misplace an invitation. But when the error was discovered, it was with cries and horror as the party attendees witnessed the slighted sorcerer curse the Kingdom, it’s land and all it’s inhabitants.

He held out his arms and decried:

Listen all, to all the Kingdom
listen to your fate.
Heed me now,
all that scorned me
none shall escape.

Hunger and pain,
shall be your pillow.
Pestilence, your very bed.
You will all die alone, in anguish,
living despair and dread.

The King and Queen, hearing the deathly terms of the curse, begged a private conference with the sorcerer. For the love of their Kingdom, they pleaded, offering all they own.
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The Estate

The Estate

The car died suddenly. A spectacular death of choking white plumes, shuddering clanks and a small engine fire.

The man in the suit watched it burn, an unlit cigarette between his lips. He hung his suit jacket over his arm, picked up his nearly empty briefcase and started up the wooded hill Continue reading